Monday, March 23


Sandusky St. Mary's Church has a new Music Ministry website. It can be viewed at

The parish website is

If your church has a Music or Music Ministry web site, contact the editor (Tim Claubaugh) at and we will write a brief article about it and post it in the side bar.



01, 1620 – Thomas Campion, poet & composer died.

02, 1714 – J. S. Bach, while serving as organist in Weimar, is given the new title of “Konzertmeister” with the duty of composing a cantata every month.

02, 1824 – Bedrich Smetana was born in Litomyschl.

03, 1875 – Premiere of Bizet’s “Carmen” at the Opera-Comique in Paris.

04, 1678 – Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice.

04, 1703 – J. S. Bach is appointed court violinist at Weimar, but serves only through July before accepting the organist post at Arnstadt.

05, 1953 – Serge Prokofiev died; the same day the Joseph Stalin died.

06, 1853 – Premiere of Verdi’s “La Traviata” in Venice.

06, 1932 – John Philip Sousa died.

07, 1875 – Maurice Ravel was born in Cliboure.

07, 1896 – Priemere of Gilbert & Sullivan’s “The Grand Duke.”

08, 1714 – Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach is baptized in Weimar. Georg Philpp Teleman is

08, 1869 – Hector Berlioz died.

09, 1842 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Nabacco” at La Scala.

09, 1844 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Ernani” in Venice.

10, 1749 – Lorenzo Da Ponte, Mozart’s great librettist, was born near Venice.

11, 1829 – Mendelssohn led J. S. Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” in Berlin. The works
first performance since Bach’s death in 79 years.

11, 1851 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Rigoletto” in Venice.

11, 1867 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Don Carlo” in Paris.

12, 1710 – Thomas Arne born in London.

12, 1857 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Sinon Baccanegra” in Venice.

13, 1797 – Premiere of Cherubini’s “Medea” in Paris.

13, 1860 – Hugo Wolf was born in Slovenigrade, Yugoslavia.

14, 1681 – George Philipp Telemann was born in Magdeburg.

14, 1804 – Johann Strauss, Sr. was born in Vienna.

14, 1847 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Macbeth” in Florence.

15, 1700 – Due to the lack of funds, the 15-year old J. S. Bach leaves school at Ohrfruf to become a chorister at Lueneburg.

15, 1842 – Leiugi Cherubini died.

15, 1956 – Premiere of “My Fair Lady” in New York.

16, 1736 – Giovanni Battesta Pergolesi died.

16, 1881 – Modest Mussorgsky died.

17, 1846 – Premiere of Verdi’s “Attila” in Venice.

18, 1731 – Baptisim of Christiana Dorothea, J. S. Bach’s 15th child, in Leipzig.

18, 1844 – Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov was born in Likhoin.

19, 1859 – Premiere of Gounods “Faust” in Paris.

19, 1873 – Max Reger was born in Brand, Bavaria.

20, 1890 – Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor was born in Recanati.

21, 1685 – Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach. He was named after godfathers
Johann Georg Koch and Sebastian Nagel.

21, 1829 – Modest Mussorgsky was born in Karedo.

22, 1687 – Jean Baptiste Lully died in Paris

23, 1729 – Premiere of J. S. Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” in Leipzig.

23, 1731 – Premiere of J. S. Bach’s “St. Mark Passion” (BWV 247) in Leipzig.

24, 1721 – Bach dedicates his “Six Brandenburg Concertos” to the Margrave of
Brandenburg in Coethen.

24, 1916 – Enrique Granados died when his ship was torpedoed in the English Channel.

25, 1875 – Premiere of Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Trial by Jury.”

25, 1881 – Bela Bartok was born in Nagy Szent Miklos.

25, 1918 – Claude Debussy died.

26, 1730 – Premiere of J. S. Bach’s motet “Come, Jesus, Come” in Leipzig.

26, 1827 – Ludwig Van Beethoven died during a thunderstorm in Vienna.

27, 1723 – Premiere of J. S. Bach’s “St. John Passion” in Leipzig.

27, 1859 – Vincent D’lndy was born in Paris.

28, 1896 – Premiere of Gindano’s “Andrea Chenier” in La Scala.

28, 1903 – Rudolf Serkin was born in Eger, Bohemia.

28, 1942 – Sergi Rachmaninoff died.

29, 1839 – Premiere of Schubert’s 9th Symphony, conducted by Mendelssohn in Leipzig.

29, 1906 – English Organist E. Power Biggs born at Westcliff-on-Sea England.

30, 1729 – J. S. Bach takes over the duties of director fo the University’s “Collegium Musicum,” in Leipzig.

30, 1982 – Karl Orff died.

31, 1732 – Franz Joseph Haydn was born in the village of Rohrau, Austria.

If you have an event to add to this month or any month during the year, contact Tim Claubaugh, editor at

Wednesday, March 18


Below is a list of musicians that are available either for a permanent position or to sub.

David Howat, 6056 Liberty AveVermilion, OH. 44089-1040, Home phone: 440-967-8716; Cell Phone 440-396-8185; email: . Looking to play (organ or piano) Saturday afternoon or evening service / Mass.

Tuesday, March 17


The Don Glasgow Organ Series in the Opera House in Fayette, Ohio is looking for someone to perform at one of their series organ concerts on Sunday, December 13, 2009. The opera house has a 3mp Mason & Hamlin reed organ, an Alexandre harmonium, another American reed organ and a Yamaha grand piano.

There would be a stipened for this. For more information contact Larry Claus email at or phone at 419-577-6071.

Monday, March 16


The 27th Annual St. Mary's Spring Concert date has been changed from Sunday, May 17 to Saturday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. This concert will be dedicated to St. Mary's pastor, Fr. Philip Feltman who will be retiring on June 30, 2009. The concert will feature the Children's Choir, Contemporary Choir and the Parish Choir. For more information, contact Tim Claubaugh at 419-625-7465, Ext. 18 or at .

Monday, March 9


Several members of our Sandusky Chapter met recently to talk about the future of our group. We realize we are failing to attract members to monthly programs that end up poorly attended and of limited interest or benefit. Yet we want to remain a viable Chapter in the national organization and have offered fine programs to the community, for example: the Schweitzer / Bach program in March 2007 and the October 2008 Organ Spectacular recitals. How should we plan for the future?

First of all, please answer the few questions prepared by James Gardner enclosed with this letter to give us YOUR thoughts and input. For the immediate future we will continue to keep in touch with newsletters, listing the many musical events scheduled in our area. If your church has a special musical event planned, let us know so we can help with publicity. As opportunities present themselves, we will sponsor major programs to share with our members and the community. Of course, we are looking for new members to be part of this world’s largest organization of musicians serving 20,000 members in more than 300 Chapters throughout the United States and abroad. You should know that Tim Claubaugh has opened a web site for our Sandusky Chapter. Check it out at . Thanks Tim for your interest, skills, and initiative in this project.
-Laura Stellhorn, Dean


Dear Chapter Members,

In an effort to plan the most interesting, educational and entertaining programs for the next program year, we are asking your help. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to our dean Laura Stellhorn. We all agree that better attendance at Chapter events is a sure way to help sell ourselves to prospective members. So, please take a few minutes to express your views and mail or deliver your copy to Laura at 113 E. Jefferson St., Sandusky, OH 44870. To print out a copy of this questionnaire, just click on the article title ("Questionnaire") then you should be able to print just this article / questionnaire rather than the entire web page. Or you can request an email copy from .

1. Here is a list of some of our most recent successful programs:
a. Progressive organ recitals in Danbury/Marblehead, Port Clinton, Norwalk,
Huron and Sandusky.
b. Organ crawls at rural churches east and south of Bellevue, the Frohman/Weeks Mansion and Jackson Jr. High School
c. Attending the Oberlin Conservatory organ student’s concert for the Lorain County AGO Chapter and dining with that Chapter and student recitalists afterwards.
d. Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza event for young musicians – hoping to awaken their interest in the organ.
e. Concerts/Programs for the community such as the Aaron David Miller recital and the Albert Schweitzer / J. S. Bach program – both very well attended.
f. Recitals by Henry Kihlken and concerts by the St. Mary’s Parish Choir under the direction of Tim Claubaugh.

2. In the space provided, please comment if you might like to see any of these programs repeated or reincarnated in other forms.

3. Have you attended any programs, recitals or meetings during the last two years?

4. If you have not attended meetings and care to share your reasons, please do.

5. Some ideas for other kinds of programs include a hymn sing or festival, a choral or organ music workshop, and demos of music for organ and instruments. Please comment on any of these that interest you and list other ideas you may have.

6. Are you interested in having social events such as a dinner or picnic once or twice a year? Other ideas for socials?

7. Please give us the names of prospective members. They may be organists, choir directors and/or persons interested in organs or church music. If you can include an address and something about the person it will be helpful.

8. Signing your name is optional, however, we are hoping for 100% participation in completing and returning the questionnaire.

- Jim Gardner


What is an organists favorite ballet?
Posaune Lake

What did the organ teacher say to the organ student who was trying to play "Dieu Parmi Nous" instead of his lesson plans?
Stop Messiaen around!

Why is a person who plays a pipe organ like a baby?"
"Because they play with their feet!

What do you call a short headmaster?
A 4-foot principal.

How does an organist change his/her old fashioned underclothing?
With a "combination" piston!

What do the Germans call keys packed in a container whose volume is similar to a quart?

Why is the pipe organ more moral than a grand piano?
Because it's principals are more upstanding!

Why is it more permissible to play risqué music on a grand piano?
Because the studio consoles are more upright!

Wednesday, March 4


Former Sanduskian, May Schwarz, sent information for the 2009 Summer Term at Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Bexley Hall Seminary) in Columbus, Ohio.

There is a three week run of courses June 1-19, or three separate one week courses: June 1-5, June 8-12, and June 15-19. All courses run Monday thru Friday with daily worship at 10:45.

For a Acrobat Reader (PDF) file, contact the editor at and one will be sent to you, or mail your request to Tim Claubaugh, 429 Central Ave., Sandusky, Ohio and a copy will be sent to you by snail mail.

For more information on the courses vist their summer courses web page: and click on "Register now for Summer Courses" and "2009 Summer Music Courses."

For more information on Trinity Lutheran Seminary, visit their web site at

Tuesday, March 3


Our April program will be with the AGO Lorain County Chapter on Sunday, April 26, 4:00 p.m. This program will be their annual Oberlin Student Organ Recital at Oberlin College's Finney Chapel. The recital is free and open to the public. Dinner to follow at the Oberlin Inn (Menu and price will be posted soon). Dinner reservations should be made to Tim Claubaugh (419-625-7465, ext. 18 or at ) no later than Wednesday, April 15.

Also of interest that day is the Organ & Brass concert at St. Mary's Church at 7:30 p.m. For more information see the article below "Upcoming Area Events" or here: