Tuesday, January 25


Sunday, February 6, 2:00 at Holy Angels Church, 428 Tiffin Ave., Sandusky. Please note this program begins at 2:00 instead of our usual 3:00 start time. We need to be out of the church by 4:00 because of musicians warming up and Mass set up for the 5:00 Mass. Bring 2-3 organ pieces to share and play for the group on this 2 manual / 9-stop Carl Barckhoff tracker organ.

The stop list is:
SWELL: Salicional 8, Rohr Flute 8, Flute Harmonic 4, Tremolo.
GREAT: Open Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Melodia 8, Principal 4, Fifteenth 2.
PEDAL: Bourdon 16.
COUPLERS: Swell-Great, Swell-Pedal, Great-Pedal.

This organ was restored in 2010 by the Leek Pipe Organ Co. from Oberlin, OH.

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