Tuesday, February 24


To post a comment, the first few steps are pretty obvious, but steps 4 & 5 below will be helpful to know: 1) Click on "comments" under the article that you want to leave a post; 2) Write your comment in the "Leave your Comment" box; 3) Fill in the "Word Verification" box; 4) Under "Choose and Identity," click on "Name/URL;" 5) fill in your name in the "Name" box. We hope that you would list your name, although that is not required. If you wish to remain anonymous, just type in "anon" or "anonymous;" 6) Click on "Publish Your Comment," and PRESTO, your comment is published!

If you have problems posting any comments, contact the editor at agosandusky@yahoo.com .


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I find this blog very helpful. Thank you.

Jogger Strollers said...

Great Blog.

Towel Warmers said...

This is great.

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Nice Blog.

Bicycle Trailers said...

I wish I could hear it.

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