Tuesday, April 13


Due to a hacker hacking into our email account, I have had to change our email account to: agosandusky@gmail.com . I have not been able to delete the old account because the hacker changed the password on that account. If you receive any emails from the “YAHOO” account, delete them without opening them. Do NOT delete emails that come from the “GMAIL” account. You might want to “spam” the “YAHOO” account. If you decide to go the spaming route, please be sure that you spam “yahoo” and NOT “gmail.”

I apologize for this inconvenience. This is the second time within a year that our email account was hacked into. I hope changing providers will take care of this problem.

If you receive these newsletters by U. S. Postal Service, and you have email, you could save our chapter money by contacting Tim to have your newsletter sent by email for free instead of through the U. S. Postal Service. Please consider this option.

-Tim Claubaugh, Editor

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