Thursday, September 10


Yes, I am the reason you haven’t received an AGO newsletter the past number of months. It just didn’t have priority on my schedule, and I give you my apologies. However, we are still a viable Chapter in the national American Guild of Organists, and as such are ready to start our 2009-2010 season.

A program committee met Tuesday, September 1 to plan programs of interest and benefit to our members. There is still space for input, and it would be welcome. Your suggestions may be given to any of the officers listed above.

To start the season Henry Kihlken will present his recital at St. John Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, on Sunday, September 27, at 3:00 p.m. A reception will follow. Henry’s recitals are always well planned and well played, so he deserves the support of all our members.

Were you able to enjoy the organ concert on Tuesday, July 7, on the historic Johnson Organ at First Congregational UCC? Christopher Marks gave the concert as part of the annual convention of the national Organ Historical Society, and what a splendid recital it was! Just to be there for that one concert was a privilege. A special word of thanks to our Guild members who helped direct traffic when the seven busses arrived from Cleveland.

Annual dues should now be sent to our Treasurer, Charles Scroggy, at 218 W. Bogart Rd., Sandusky. Regular memberships are $55 plus $15 for local membership; total $70. Special memberships for those over 65 are $37.50 plus the local dues of $15; total $52.50. Partners, second member to the same address, pay only $30 plus the $15 local dues; total $45. Charles would appreciate your sending your check to him promptly so the national office doesn’t haunt him.

The national AGO office informs us we last contributed $50 to the Annual Fund in 2006. “We hope we can count on your renewed support,” writes F. Anthony Thurman, Director of Development and Communications. Can we agree to do that this year?

GOOD NEWS! The Sandusky Concert Association has contracted to bring Anthony and Beard, organ and trumpet, to Zion Lutheran Church, Sandusky, on Sunday, October 25 at 4:00 p.m. (See the Phillip Truckenbrod ad on page 1 of TAO). Ticket prices have yet to be set, but we certainly owe the Concert Association our full support in this endeavor.

Laura M. Stellhorn, Dean

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