Thursday, September 27


Due to family health issues, I will no longer be able to serve responsibly as Dean of the Sandusky Chapter AGO.  I would be able to accept the position of Sub Dean, and will of course remain a chapter member.

 A meeting of the Program Committee is being arranged.  A special meeting for the election of officers will be set at that time. 

 Mr. Brooks Grantier, FAGO, will be able to present his special program regarding the Region V AGO convention “Great Lakes/Swell Organs” to our chapter on a date to be selected in April 2013.

 the Western Reserve Piano Guild would be interested in a Pedals, Pipes and Pizza program during the month of February 2013.

 The first scheduled music event of the 2012-2013 season will be Todd Wilson on October 14, 2012, 4:00 pm, at Zion Lutheran Church on the corner of Columbus Ave and Jefferson St. in Sandusky.  There will be a $15.00 charge per person.

 As I will be either in New Jersey or returning to Ohio at that time I will be unable to attend.

Henry Kihlken


Firelands Presbyterian Church, 2626 East Harbor Rd. (Rt. 163), Port Clinton is looking for an organist.  They are seeking an experienced church musician, skilled in piano and/or organ, to work with a warm, welcoming congregation. This is a part-time position.  For more information, go to their website at, or If interested, contact Pastor Jeanne Gay at 419-734-6211. 

Organist & Choir position open at St. Stephen UCC in Sandusky, Ohio. For more information please call the church office at 419-626-1612 Ext. 101. 


Charles Scroggy, our treasurer, reminds us that 2010-2011 AGO dues are past due.  Several members have already sent him their dues.  Several members still have outstanding dues.  Annual dues should now be sent to our Treasurer, Charles Scroggy, at 218 W. Bogart Rd., Sandusky.  Regular memberships are $58 plus $15 for local membership; total $73.  Special memberships for those over 65 are $40.50 plus the local dues of $15; total $55.50.  Partners, second member to the same address, pay only $33 plus the $15 local dues; total $48.  Full-time students are $39.00.  Charles would appreciate your sending your check to him promptly so the national office doesn’t haunt him.  Dues were due on June 30 of this year.


Sunday, October 14, 2012, 4:00 pm, Todd Wilson, Organist, at Zion Lutheran Church on the corner of Columbus Ave and Jefferson St. in Sandusky.  There will be a $15.00 charge per person.  Students (K-12) free.


Sunday, November 11, 2012, 4:00 pm, Terra Brass Choir and Randy Ruthsatz, Organist, at Grace Episcopal Church, 315 Wayne St., Sandusky.  Concert is free and open to the public.


Sunday, December 30, 2012, 2:00 pm, Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 510 Columbus Ave., Sandusky.  John Franks (Organist at Sts. Peter & Paul) will direct Sts. Peter & Paul Choir and other area choirs in Benjamin Harlan’s Christmas Cantata “Nativity Suites.”  Any singer is welcome to join.  Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 beginning October 14.  If interested, contact John Franks at 419-625-6655.


Sunday, January 6, 2013, 4:00 (?) pm, Ron Gibson, Organist, at Grace Episcopal Church, 315 Wayne St., Sandusky.  Concert is free and open to the public.


Due to family health issues, Tim Claubaugh will not be able to continue as the editor of the newsletter and website.  If you are able to help with this, please call him at St. Mary’s Church 419-625-7465 or at home 419-625-1053.

Monday, April 9


May Schwartz Hymn Festival, April 22, 2012 at 4:00 PM
Zion Lutheran Church, 503 Columbus Ave., Sandusky, OH 44870

May Schwartz, a native of Sandusky, Ohio, is Director of Music at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio, where she teaches courses in Music and Liturgy. She has also composed several Psalm tone settings which appear in the ELW Liturgical publications issued by Augsburg-Fortress.

All local Choirs are invited to attend,. Choir rehearsal will take place 1:30-3:30 in the choir loft at Zion Lutheran Church.

St. Mary’s annual Spring Concert will be presented on Sunday, May 20th
at 7:30 PM at St. Mary’s Church, 429 Central Ave., Sandusky, Oh.

A Spring - Summer Newsletter will be issued in late May or early June.