Thursday, May 19


"Pipe Organ in good working condition. It has four ranks and fits in a small place. The pipes and chests could be used with your existing instrument. Detailed description available. Contact Joanna Pretz-Anderson at Christ the Redeemer, Brecksville by email at or call 440-526-2303."


Sunday, May 22, 7:30 PM: “29th Annual Spring Concert” St. Mary’s Church, 429 Central Ave., Sandusky (419-625-7465). The St. Mary’s Parish Choir will join forces with Zion Lutheran Church Senior Choir to perform Thompson’s “Alleluia, and Rutter’s “Gloria.” For more information, visit St. Mary’s Music Ministry website,

Sunday, June 12, 3:00 PM: Sandusky Chapter AGO program “organ repertoire sharing,” at Holy Angels Church, 1605 W. Jefferson St., Sandusky, Oh. This was the event that was snowed out this past February.


“Robert Elmore (1913-1985) A Personal Reminiscence”

In the oversight department, the March issue of TAO, pg. 33, notes the premiere performance of the Concerto in C Minor for Organ and Orchestra by Robert Elmore. I refer you to the March issue for all details. Appended to this newsletter is a copy of an article by Pauline Fox (from May 1994 TAO), a student of Dr. Elmore reporting the deposit of the Robert Elmore Collection in the archives and records center of the University of Pennsylvania. It is from this collection, without any doubt, that the score and parts for this Organ Concerto was retrieved.

I was introduced to Dr. Elmore in the Spring of 1974 by one of his organ students whom he taught in his private studio, and who had used some of my organ and choral selections in her Church Service Repertoire.

Having been shown examples of my work, both published and in manuscript, Dr. Elmore expressed a desire to meet me. Our conference took place on a warm afternoon in May at his home in Wayne, PA, on Philadelphia’s Main Line and occupied the greater part of the afternoon.

Dr. Elmore read through numerous organ, choral, and solo vocal selections, both sacred and secular, offering helpful and thoughtful critiques along the way. He seemed particularly interested in my arrangement of “In Thee Is Gladness” for SATB Chorus accompanied by Brass Quartet, subsequently published by Walter Gould in his Music 70 Series (an adjunct to the Lawson-Gould Music Publishers) and my SATB a cappella composition “Wide Open Are Thy Hands” which has not made print, due, no doubt, to the many enharmonic changes, difficult intonation, and chromatic voice leading which abounds in this works; Dr. Elmore took specific note of these aspects of the piece, making reference to them in a very analytic way.

It was during the 1970’s that Dr. Elmore was Organist/Choirmaster of the historic 10th Presbyterian Church, 17th and Spruce Sts. in Philadelphia, PA. Numerous visits to Philadelphia during this period provided many opportunities to attend the 7:00 PM Sunday Evening Services, enjoy “after the Service” conversation, listen to his 70 voice choir, and learn much regarding organ technique from listening to his always virtuoso performances.

10th Presbyterian was, at the time, the point of origin of the Radio Program “The Bible Study Hour,” featuring the Church’s Pastor, the Rev. Dr. James Montgomery Boice. An amusing incident occurred after one of the services when a parishoner approached me, in a reasonably friendly way, inquiring as to why I had been attending the Evening Services. I responded, “Why to hear Dr. Elmore play the organ and direct his choir.” The somewhat taken aback look I received indicate to me that this was not the expected or desired response, in view of the illustrious occupant of the pulpit.

It would hardly be accurate if I did not declare that Dr. Robert Elmore was one of the major influences on my own musical development and professional life.

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Note: A commentary on Hugo Distler and his student Jan Bender will appear in the June/July Newsletter. There will be no August Newsletter. The Newsletter will resume on a bi-monthly basis in September 2011.


VOCAL SOLOS: Suggested resources for Summer Music suitable for vocal students at the Senior High or College level, assuming some extent of musical skill.


Both collections edited and compiled by Lloyd Pfautsch, published by Lawson Gouldy Hal Leonard. Solos by classic masters of average requirements, includes easy selections by C. P. E. Bach and Josef Haydn.

3. “TO GOD WILL I SING” – VOCAL SOLOS FOR THE CHURCH YEAR” compiled by Susan Palo Cherwien, Augsburg/Fortress. A wide ranging collection of classic and contemporary works. Composers range from Rameau, Bach, Telemann, et al to Cherwien, David N. Johnson, Ronald Nelson, and others. The mystery piece is a “Vocalise” by Gabriel Faure. If you don’t have a coloratura soprano available, this makes a great flute selection. Some instrumental obbligato parts are available.

4. “SING A SONG OF JOY” – collected and edited by K. Lee Scott, Augsburg/Fortress. Includes original songs by K. Lee Scott as well as reasonably easy offerings by Schubert, Bach, Handel and traditional folk tunes. Less difficult than the forgoing.

5. “SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN” – Four songs for unison choir or medium/low solo voice. Edward V. Bonnemere – Augsburg/Fortress. Gospel style, of excellent quality.

6. “GLORIA DEO: BOOK 2” – Compiled and arranged by David N. Johnson – Augsburg/Fortress. SAB voicing, many selections suitable as solos. Ideal for small summer ensembles. Included are many folk-song arrangements.

Note: Print status is not guaranteed.


1. “THE TWO STAFF ORGAN BOOK, VOL. 1” Easy selections by A. W. Leupold, Telemann, Walther, Frescobaldi and others.
1. (a) “THE TWO STAFF ORGAN BOOK, VOL. 2” Easy selections by A. W. Leupold, Pre-war organist of the Petrikirche in Berlin, Germany. Compiled by Ulrich S. Leuold, Waterloo Music, Ontario, Canada. Represented in the USA by Cathedral Music Press, Mel Bay Music, PO Box 66, Pacific, No. 63069

2. “BLUE CLOUD ABBEY ORGAN BOOK” – Christopher Uehlein, Augsburg/Fortress. Fifteen original compositions somewhat reminiscent of Flor Peeters “60 Short Pieces;” modal, mildly contemporary, A convenient collection with Preludes, Offertories and Postludes under one cover.

3. “TWENTY SIX MINIATURES FOR ORGAN ON GREGORIAN THEMES” by Sr. Theresine Donder, SNJM, Oregon Catholic Press. Excellent for Communion Music, or short Preludes, Offertories, and Postludes.

4. “42 PIECES BY THEODORE DUBOIS” – Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag. All on two staves – may be played manuals only, pedal ad. Lib. French Romantic style, very melodic. An excellent resource for Summer Services.

1. “COME, THOU FOUNT” – J. Bert Carlson, Augsburg/Fortress. A widely varied collection of piano solos, mainly in Gospel style. A few might workn on the organ, but mainly a resource for piano. Some of the tunes treated are “Nettleton,” “His Eye Is On the Sparrow,” “It is Well With My Soul,” “My Jesus,” “I Love Thee,” etc.

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