Wednesday, May 12


Another AGO season is winding down, and this may be my last newsletter until fall. Here are a few items to share with you now:

Sunday, May 16, 7:30 p.m. St. Mary’s Choir will present their annual
spring concert under the direction of Tim Claubaugh. Various
instruments will add color to the vocal program. Admission is free.

Sunday, May 23, 3:00 p.m. The Community Choir will present their
spring program at St. John Lutheran Church in Port Clinton. Henry
Kihlken is organ accompanist.

As planned, I attended the meeting of Ohio AGO Chapter deans at the Bunn-Minnick Pipe Organ Co. in Columbus on April 24. Regional Councillor Paul Barte from Ohio University, Athens, OH was present and presided over the meeting.

He urged us to contact potential members personally and offer
them a warm, encouraging welcome.

Organists say their # 1 reason for joining AGO is to receive monthly

Chapter deans reported many of the concerns we have regarding
meeting days and times that meet everyone’s schedule, and the
lack of member attendance at meetings.

The AGO has a national website, and there is no charge for using it.

Next year’s Regional Convention will be in Lexington, KY.

A minimum of $3 per member for the Annual Fund would cover
liability insurance costs.

St. John Lutheran Church (Union Corners) at Scheid Rd. and Rt. 250 is still looking for a permanent organist / choir director since Bill Scheid retired earlier this year. The congregation has a loyal choir of 12-15 members who rehearse Wednesday evenings. Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. If you now of someone who might fill this position, have them call Sandra Thompson at 419-433-4530.

Be thinking of program ideas for next season. What can we plan to be a help to you and / or an event for the community? I am open to any and all ideas.

Have a good summer. Continue your high standards of music during the summer months even though your schedule allows you to relax a bit.